Frequently Asked Questions


About TalentChoice

  • What is The Academic Coaching that included in TalentChoice?

    Talent Choice Counseling is the process whereby a professional academic coach motivates and guides an individual to be inspired to make better university & program choices and advance in their career development. The academic coaching process includes:
    - learning tendency evaluation,
    - career exploration,
    - self-awareness,
    - life-long learning decision assistance for university and higher educational programs.

  • What makes Talent Choice distinctive?

    For over 15 years, Talent Choice's learning evaluation and career exploration provides as a successful program, which has been used to help students in high schools and educational settings. We use a unique way of combining evaluation instruments and applying their findings to guide students down the correct path. By these means, students are successfully motivated in both their education and career paths that have been specially designed for their uniqueness.

  • Which students are qualified for Talent Choice?

    Talent Choice’s target group is high school students. These students are trying to enter higher education into their dream programs without knowing their true potential. We also focus on students who intend to change their career for a new path in life. They all have one thing in common - advancement. They all want to improve the quality of their future lives through finding meaningful careers by attending a university with ambitious programs to build a well-balanced career road map. No students should be left behind and their education choices should be based on their individual potentially strong characteristics.

  • How does Talent Choice assist in my higher education choices?

    We will enlighten you with your own characteristics and help you to define your strong and stress areas of interest and potential.
    Based on your unique 61 scale characteristic data we will be able to list and advise occupational orientation of yours. Among 23 job families and from those 97 occupation types, your orientation will be sorted out according to your distinctive path. The most important section of the report will make advices on those preferable programs as well and stay away program list based on your occupational tendencies.
    After making you comfortable of understanding your own orientation, interests, skills, personality, values, and unique mix of abilities and aptitudes, we will provide guidance for you to consider your options based on your unique evaluation. In some cases, we will be able to list the available university and their related program information.

  • What type of questionnaire is provided by Talent Choice?

    When you apply for Talent Choice you will be asked to take The Birkman Method questionnaire with 298 questions and it's easy to answer them. It is expected to spend about 30 minutes taking the questionnaire. There are 298 multiple choice questions. But don’t worry—there are no wrong answers.
    Questionnaire can be done in 20 different languages and you need to pick before starting the survey. Questionnaire will help us to determine your characteristics with 61 scales in Behavioral Components, Occupational Interests, Preferred Work Styles and Organizational Focus.

  • What type of report to be provided by Talent Choice?

    The Career Management Report will be generated based on your survey results. It is very important to answer question carefully. The report will include the Occupational Orientation and University Program Choices. The report result is self-explanatory and understandable, but you may get support from your academic coach. In addition to written reports you may request online in-depth personal coaching and even face to face coaching in Istanbul as an on-demand charges.

  • How much does this Talent Choice cost?

    The fee for the Talent Choice survey and report is $124.99 Some schools and agencies will be providing some discounts and you may need to check with them. You can make the payment online via credit card in our online payment system. You may also request online academic coaching for exploring the report findings with more detail. Even you may request face to face coaching in Istanbul.

  • How can I contact you for TalentChoice?.

    Please contact us if you have questions or if you are ready to get started pursuing your academic life path to be built on your unique data.